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Prep Time:

30 Min

Cook Time:


8 people




  • 7 cl water

  • 3 egg whites

  • 167g sugar

  • 67g icing sugar

  • 34g honey

  • 6 sheets of gelatine

  • 1 tsp of vanilla flavor

  • 67g of cornstarch


  • 125g chocolate

  • 1 tbsp vegetable oil


  • 7 cl d'eau

  • 3 blancs d'Å“ufs

  • 167 g de sucre

  • 67g de sucre glace

  • 34 g de miel

  • 6 feuilles de gélatine

  • 1 cuillère à café d'arôme de vanille

  • 67g de fécule de maïs


  • 125g de chocolat

  • 1 cuillère à soupe d'huile végétale


Step 1:

In a saucepan, mix the water, sugar and honey, then cook at 121 °C/ 250° F.

Soften the gelatine aside in cold water.

Step 2:

Whip the egg whites until frothy.

Mix the gelatine with the syrup off the heat.

Pour this mixture and the vanilla in small streams over the egg whites while continuing to beat until the mixture cools.

Step 3:

On a sheet of baking paper, sprinkle the icing sugar/starch mixture. Spread the marshmallow dough.

Sprinkle the marshmallows with the icing sugar/starch mixture and leave it to rest for 2h30.

Step 4:

Cut out the desired shapes while making sure that your cutting utensil is also covered by sugar/starch.

Step 5:


Once your marshmallow is set and cut out in your desired shape:

In a separate bowl, melt some chocolate with vegetable oil.

Using a toothpick dip your marshmallow in the chocolate and let it set on some baking paper.

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