100g sugar
100g icing sugar
100g butter
1 egg
290g flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 an orange's juice
Zests of one orange
Step 1:
Mix the sugar, the butter and the egg until it becomes homogeneous.
Step 2:
Add the flour, baking powder, the juice and the zests. Knead together.
Step 3:
Transfer the crinkle dough to a sheet of baking paper and wrap it with it. Reserve in the fridge for 60 minutes.
Step 4:
Preheat your oven to 180°C/ 356°F
Step 5:
Shape cookie balls with your dough, roll then in icing sugar, and reusing your initial sheet of baking paper, line an oven tray for your crinkles.
Step 6:
Bake your crinkles for 15 minutes. They may still be very soft when you take them out of the oven but do not worry, let them cool down on a rack and they will reach the desired texture.